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Amenity Grass Mixtures

We supply a wide range of Amenity Mixtures, most from our range below but many of which are bespoke. These cover a wide range of uses including lawns, sports and recreation areas, road verges, renovation and reinstatement for construction and civil engineering projects.

Amenity Grass Mixtures

Utility Hardwearing Mix

A coarser grade, hard-wearing amenity mix that has a wide range of uses from orchards through to car parks and trackways. This mixture is also popular for very large gardens where a slow growing, low maintenance mixture is required. A top tip is to sow this at high rates where more wear is likely.

50% Kent Indigenous Ryegrass  
25% Creeping Red Fescue  
12.5% Amenity Perennial Ryegrass  
12.5% Amenity Perennial Ryegrass  

Recommended sowing rate 35-50 g/m2

Solar Park Mix

This is a mixture that has been designed to create low maintenance permanent grassland. It has been designed using species that are long lasting and slow growing after seeding.

15% Meadow Fescue  
15% Kent Indigenous Ryegrass  
20% Smooth Stalk Meadowgrass  
20% Timothy  
15% Strong Creeping Red Fescue  
10% Hard Fescue  
5% Small Leaved White Clover  

Recommended sowing rate 35-50 g/m2

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