Grazing & Dual Purpose Mixtures
In addition to our Grazer ley mixture we have a selection of Dual Purpose Mixtures to fit a range of scenarios. We have focused on combining cutting yields and quality, with grazing quality.
Grazing & Dual Purpose Mixtures
(5+ years)
Specifically designed for grazing-based systems usually for a 5 year period.
- Can support grazing-based dairy systems
- Contains specific varieties that offer high levels of highly digestible grass
- Good conversion levels for milk and meat production
- Suitable for cattle and sheep.
10% Early Perennial Ryegrass | (D) |
15% Late Perennial Ryegrass | (T) |
15% Late Perennial Ryegrass | (D) |
20% Intermed. Perennial Ryegrass | (D) |
15% Intermed. Perennial Ryegrass | (D) |
20% Late Perennial Ryegrass | (T) |
5% White Clover Blend |
Recommended sowing rate 14kg/acre
(3-5 years)
Fleximix is similar to the Cut and Graze ley (3-5 year), however, it is designed more for cutting with the addition of the festulolium and late tetraploid perennial. This will improve both the quality and yield of the cuts taken, whilst maintaining good aftermath grazing.
- High quality silage
- Can take multiple cuts
- Contains good grazing quality perennials and hybrids
- Suitable for sheep and cattle
- Can cope with more stress-prone sites
- A ‘no clover’ option is also available.
30% Hybrid Ryegrass | (T) |
20% Hybrid Type Festulolium | |
10% Intermed. Perennial Ryegrass | (D) |
10% Intermed. Perennial Ryegrass | (T) |
10% Late Perennial Ryegrass | (D) |
10% Late Perennial Ryegrass | (T) |
5% Hybrid Ryegrass | (T) |
5% White Clover Blend |
Recommended sowing rate 14 kg/acre