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Specialised Mixtures

We offer two grades of pony paddock mixture, the standard Horse & Pony and the Horse & Pony Plus.

The addition of the smooth stalk meadow grass is for use on more stress-prone sites to ensure that there is grazing all year round. Both mixes are designed specifically for horse and pony grazing and do not contain any high-sugar grasses which can increase the risk of laminitis. If left, a modest hay cut could also be taken.

Specialised Mixtures varieties

Horse & Pony Rye Free

(5+ years)

A persistent diverse mixture with the added benefit of lower sugar and protein content. The mix will take longer to establish but is a good alternative to Ryegrass based mixtures.

35% Meadow Fescue  
30% Strong Creeping Red Fescue  
15% Timothy  
7% Smooth Stalk Meadow Grass  
7% Tall Fescue  
6% Cocksfoot  

Recommended sowing rate 13 kg/acre

Equine Gallops Mix

(5+ years)

Gallops mixture is an ideal mix for an area which is used for exercising or working your horse. This mix produces a dense, springy sward which enables frequent use of the area with minimal damage.

65% Amenity Perennial Ryegrass  
20% Creeping Red Fescue  
15% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass  

Recommended sowing rate 20 kg/acre

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